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Allegations of mass arrests and harassment of opposition political activists have emerged in Noakhali

  |   বৃহস্পতিবার, ০৯ নভেম্বর ২০২৩ | প্রিন্ট

Allegations of mass arrests and harassment of opposition political activists have emerged in Noakhali

 Noakhali : According to a complaint made by Noakhali United Lawyers Front. The complaint was raised during a press conference held at the Noakhali Lawyers Association auditorium. Advocate Abdur Rahman, convener of the organization’s district branch, read a written statement detailing the alleged incidents.

According to the statement, following the announcement of a mass meeting program by the BNP and other affiliated parties in Dhaka on October 28, the police administration in Noakhali began arresting BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami activists indiscriminately in every upazila (administrative region) of the district. Reportedly, 321 BNP activists and 39 Jamaat-e-Islami activists have already been arrested from different upazilas. Absentee cases have been filed in almost all police stations, and individuals are being arrested and sent to jail based on false charges.

The press conference revealed that 22 cases have been filed in different police stations in Noakhali between last October 28 and Wednesday, accusing 648 individuals. Additionally, 1,271 people have been named as unknown accused in these cases. It was alleged that BNP and Jamaat activists are being arrested despite appearing in court. An example was given of Sonaimuri Upazila BNP President, Anwarul Haque alias Kamal, who was arrested from the premises of the District Chief Judicial Magistrate’s Court.

The lawyers also claimed that the police were conducting house-to-house search operations, creating fear and anarchy among the public. They stated that such actions could not be tolerated in a civilized country.

The lawyers highlighted the arrest of Vice Chairman of Central BNP, Shahjahan, in a case of burning a car at Bhatara police station in Dhaka. They argued that Shahjahan’s name was not even mentioned in the case statement, yet he was arrested and detained for purely political reasons. They demanded his immediate release.

The press conference was attended by various prominent individuals including the District Bar Association President ABM Zakaria, Joint Convener of United Lawyers Front Tajul Islam, and other members of the lawyers’ organizations.

These allegations of mass arrests and harassment of opposition political activists in Noakhali have raised concerns about the state of democracy and civil liberties in the country. It remains to be seen how the authorities will respond to these allegations and ensure the protection of individuals’ rights.

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Posted ৯:৫৮ পূর্বাহ্ণ | বৃহস্পতিবার, ০৯ নভেম্বর ২০২৩

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